Man at Work - The motivation letter


What is the role of the motivation letter?

One of its most important aims is to raise the attention of the HR specialist. Its other goal is that it allows for the candidates to complement the dry, factual information and to give more information about themselves.

How to start?

The good motivation letter gives the impression that the writer knows the company background and has enough motivation to offer a usable solution to the problems and challenges of the company.

What does the future employer need?

The job-seeker must also clarify their goals and to what extent the advertised position fits their earlier experiences.
Why would you like to work for exactly this company? Which part of the company’s products, philosophy or organisational culture is important for you?

What to include?

It is essential for the job-seeker to draft an individual, persuasive and effective text and try to write a “personal” letter to each employer. It is best to avoid the use of foreign words, professional vocabulary and fillers as well as bulky sentences. The text should be striking and logical. Don`t use negation and conditionals as these suggest uncertainty. Pay due attention to spelling and to observing the formal requirements of letters. The motivation letter should harmonise the C.V. in its style and external features.