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Man at Work - The steps of the selection procedure at Man at Work Kft.

1. Data bank search

Our HR advisers first try to find the candidate that meets the criteria of the position in the data base of Man at Work.

2. Advertising and pre-filtering
Our staff assesses and ranks the applications received after advertising – mostly on online recruiting pages.

3. Phone screening

Preliminary survey of intention to apply, coordination of some missing data and possibly a language skills assessment takes place during a talk on the phone at a time determined by the candidate.

4. Interview at Man at Work

Following pre-filtering, the company`s HR advisors invite the potential candidates to a personal meeting during which they inform the candidate about the identity and profile of their client in detail and about the requirements of the position in question. During the structured interview, the staff tries to map – among other things – the candidates` preparedness, strengths, weaknesses and motivation based on the requirements of the position to be filled.

5. Short listing candidates

After summarising the interview results, the HR advisor forwards to the Client the application of the candidates suitable for the position as well as a short interview report.

6. Interview at the Client

The next round of interviews, i.e. the introductory interviews and professional interviews as well as the wage negotiations take place at the client’s premises. Some of these interviews are conducted by the employee of Man at Work responsible for recruitment; some are conducted exclusively by the representatives of the client.

7. Closing down the search – selection
If the client makes a decision concerning the employment of the new employee, our employee notifies in writing the other candidates about the rejection a few days after the new employee starts work at the client.